Monday, May 21, 2007

Fear & Pleasure

Fear is usually the absence of pleasure and usually the result of an unanticipated event be it verbal or physical. Fear, much like pain is a matter of perception and can yield interesting consequences in different people, For most, fear produces a near catatonic state, while for others, it can be a powerful erotic stimulus where erotic highs are attained.

What defines what the end result of fear is going to be and how it will register in the mind, i believe it is a sense of control that grows within the envelop of fear giving erotic freedom within the boundaries of the fear. Like being trapped in a cage with a disaster looming all around and yet feeling safe within that space and turned on by the excitement of the impending disaster looming all around.

It is a mind space that many can find within the larger scope of otherwise immobilizing fear. I have hear many women remark, they can reach their erotic peaks only in an atmosphere of paralyzing fear.

Pain & Pleasure

Understanding the fine line between pain and pleasure has its origins in the perception of the mind to the nature of the stimulus. What registers as pain to one, registers as pleasure to another. The line between pain and pleasure in women has a lot to do with perception and fear. Example, when you squeeze your nipples in pursuit of erotic pleasure, it registers in your mind as pleasure but if you were in a state of fear, and your nipples were similarly squeezed, it would bring you pain.

Therefore perception of the act to be performed, and not the act itself often determines how the action is registered in your mind. Fear is now and always will be the defining point of pleasure.