Monday, July 11, 2016

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Free CounterWhy do Women Fear Being Woman

At conception, each embryo receives 32 chromosomes from each parent which jointly form her DNA which is the genetic design for who she is both physically and mentally. For most women, that is the singular moment they will ever be the woman they were born to be. From their earliest conscientious moment the minds of little girls are bombarded with someone telling them who they should be, what they should look like, that clothes to wear and why they are no likable or don't fit in with the in crowd..

The verbal and visual assault seems to come from all angles. If she is too smart, she is a show off, but if she is to pretty she is stuck up and on and on. All of this, is layered on top of the child abuse of choice from family friends or strangers, be it verbal, sexual or rape. As if that was not enough, now she is old enough to understand the rigid requirements of social and religious dogma, which is generally inconsistent with who she has been born to be. . The social and religious requirements which she is taught must be obeyed, are almost always not in sync with the birth DNA. A mind which finds itself adverse to social norms is a mind in search for a place to exist where her mind can find piece. For most, that rarely happens. 

Why you might ask, does this issue only impact women, and the answer is simple. Men made the rules on which the social and religious framework of society is constructed. One might ask, why would man create a society that dis empowers woman, and the answer again is simple. Man had then, nor does he now, understand how different are the minds of men and women. The differences can be found in the hormones which serve men and women including how each empowers the other.

Female hormones empower women with great stamina far in excess of that provided to men. Men on the other hand are physically stronger than women but will usually lose when it comes to who can last the longest. These different hormones play out in significantly different ways when it comes to how each sex thinks and feels. Women find erotic stimulation in almost every living thing, some just for admiration, others for erotic excitement. Men, in general, are not invested in such visual mind stimulation beyond an attractive woman.

The erotic dreams, visions, and thoughts of woman run afoul of social and religious dogma designed by men. From this conflict, between what she thinks and what she has been taught, arises the fear that somehow she is possessed by demons. Go into any church on Sunday morning and you will find the ratio of men to women to be greatly out of balance. Men who are in syncs with the rules they made are generally at peace with who they are, so they see no need to seek forgiveness to the extent women do.

Women in the 16th century who dared to exercise their right to mental freedom were branded as witches and burned at the stake. The lesson has not been lost on women over the centuries. Oddly enough, women who talk about everything to their friends, will rarely mention their erotic fantasies for fear they will expose themselves to be crazy. Therefore, they spend their lives in solitude always seeking something to dull the pain of a mind that does not fit. Most seek solitude in alcohol, drugs,or food until finding their way to depression and a course of drugs that dull the pain in their mind. 

Women need to empower themselves to find comfort in who they are because it is the unique difference between one woman to another that defines a sense of beauty that no camera can capture. The beauty of a woman is all about what you can not see, and its in the courage she exhibits to be who she was born to be, especially when her DNA  conflicts with who she has been taught to be. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

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Who Is the Best Lover, Men or Women

The answer to this question lies in understanding what is evidence of the best of sensuality and how can it be measured or observed. While both sexes are capable of similar erotic responses that is seldom the case. Lets examine each to determine the potential of both sexes. There are many misconceptions which impact male female relationships. 

Size is the most misunderstood part of human sexuality experience, for the simple reason that orgasms of both men and woman occur based upon sensual stimulation of the entire body and does not require penal insertion to achieve. Only the brain, can create total body stimulation sufficient to achieve orgasm. Therefore, Size of the male penis is not reverent to a woman sexual pleasure. 

In men fear of sex is rare, in a woman, its more often the rule than the exception as a consequence of one or more of the various kinds of abuse women suffer. The fear which arises from abuse, must be processed by her partner to her comfort zone. Words like frigid and nympho are code names for sexual abuse expressed through pain of sex or the inability to orgasm.

Finding a woman's comfort zone requires a commitment to want to eliminate her fear by establishing trust in her partner as her friend, and having her mind distinguish between the bad and the good guy. Once her comfort zone is achieved, her mind will be receptive to her partners erotic advances provided his movements are slow and deliberate  until it is clear, her mind is totally invested. 

In addition to abuse and rape, the mind of women is bombarded by fashion, childhood bullying, diet, body type, social norms and religion to constantly make her question who she is and if she is sane and frequently leads to depression. Oddly enough, an orgasm is the best medicine to reduce the impact of depression as an orgasm releases the stress and tension produced by excess and unused female hormone. This stress can also be impacted by regular aerobic exercise.

There are many women who are abuse survivors but have no memory of the abuse, only knowing something is wrong and that fear is always her orgasm. While she may never remember what happened, an understanding partner can often bring her emotional peace sufficient to achieve orgasm. 

All women experience sexual fantasies which vary only in type and intensity. These sexual fantasies to the extent they contravene social and religious norms weigh on the mind of all women. Women who discuss everything with their best friends seldom mention their fantasies thereby enforcing the idea that only she is impacted. Fear of fantasies must be a part of the comfort zone process is she is to achieve orgasm. Men on the other hand generally only have one fantasy.

There is one subject in which both men and women seem to agree which is breast size. Women look at the breasts of other women almost as much as does man. Man often chooses his sexual conquests based upon breast size first and  all else second. Women most often are influenced by smell first and thereafter fulfillment of a long standing mental image usually shaped by outside influences including fear, security and goals to name a few of the many. Women like men, seek their vision of their dream partner as they choose who they wish to get to know.

If man is successful in finding his ideal woman getting to know her to the extent of earning her trust, how then does he know, when the moment arrives that she is ready for sex. For her, knowing he is ready only requires her to look down, but how is man to know when she is ready. The answer lies in foreplay in whatever quantity and variety is required to ignite the erotic jets in her mind. There are many ways to determine this moment and all women are different so one size does not fit all. Notice may include any or all of the following, lubrication, increase in breathing, muscle movement, verbal suggestions to name a few. If the minds connect, the orgasms will come together or very close.

Recently, the world has discovered anal sex, and suddenly vaginal sex especially in the under 40 set appears to be running second place. What is interesting about anal sex is that despite the splinter muscle which controls the anal muscle being more sensitive than the vaginal muscles, few woman appear to enjoy anal because man as usual is in a hurry and plunges right in before her muscles get a chance to adjust which rather than creating pleasure, creates pain. So why do women put up with anal, simple, no risk of pregnancy.

So all things considered, the answer to the question is neither is better because man believes woman to be just like him ready at a moments notice and woman seek a partner, who understands what she needs without her having to tell why. 

Sunday, July 3, 2016

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Why is Sport Fucking Bad

for Many Women

While i can site many different reasons, the clear winner is fear, generally induced by a traumatic sexual abuse. The abuse makes her mind miss read the erotic signals from her body to her brain as fear as a direct result of the minds association with rape and or abuse in lieu of the pleasure for which it was intended.

Women produce very large quantities of energy far in excess of that produced by men and that energy to the extent not released through normal daily activities is left to fester awaiting the next fresh energy supply of its release. When this excess built up energy is not released, the mind compensates by causing her to seek comfort in food, alcohol drugs and depression, far too often leading to physical harm.

The orgasm, is natures way of releasing the excess pent up energy. Excess energy can also be release by regular aerobic exercise. Men on the other hand tend to be both selfish and self centered and are always happy once their orgasm occurs. They will frequently ask their partner was that not the best, and she will smile and make him feel like he is king for the day. Man, has absolutely no idea if woman was even turned on or orgasm because frequently the real evidence man misses and would not understand it if he did. He relies on his partner to make him king for the hour.

The women who have concluded that a blow job accomplishes the same mission without any fuss or bother achieve the same end with half the work. However, ignoring what man wants, women need to orgasm. and if by chance were she to meet a true lover, he could understand the process and leave her no choice but to orgasm by taking down her defenses, one at a time until fear is gone and the orgasm comes. 

That first orgasm creates a mental bond between the partners which will never go away which could be either good or bad depending on the intent of the couple. However, that same woman who would work to over come her fear of orgasm, and successfully generated her orgasmic completion by her own hand, will also have ownership of her erotic mind unless she meets one very unusual male.

Enjoy the ride ladies, its your turn to smile and let no man deprive you of that pleasure by virtue of sexual abuse. Orgasm is central to your mental health. Com and enjoy