Thursday, April 15, 2010

Free Counters

Free Counter

Fear and Freedom
The existence of virtually all humanity is defined and limited by how they process, eliminate or control fear in their lives. Quality of life is defined by identifying and limiting or eliminating fear.
Unfortunately, fear is most peoples best friend. Many are consumed by fear, without having any idea from where the fear originated. There is no aspect of life, that fear does not control.
Therefore, maturity in large part, is spent identifying, limiting or eliminating fear. Much of fear comes from people who are supposed to love and care for children. Fear is a by product of abuse and chemical imbalance. Those who claim to love us, know of the reason for our fear, or recognize the fear in our eyes, yet do nothing to help set us free, pay lip service to love.
A real Dominate Slave relationship grants to the slave, an opportunity to release their fear in an envelope of trust and safety, but only to the extent, slave or dominate recognize the existance of the fear, identify the source of the fear and then eliminate the fear to the extent possible. Every piece of the mind that is dedicated to fear, holds hostage vast amount of pent up pleasure.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Free Counters

Free Counter

The Concept of Limits
D/S relationships differ from vanilla relationships principally based upon the application of total trust, which is missing inn most vanilla relationships. Therefore, where trust lives, between Master and Slave, limits can not exist.
Now some might say, that is not possible, i do not like this or that, however, it is possible but only if the slaves identifies with a dominate in whom she can place her complete trust without fear. Any dominate who has the ability to gain the total trust of his slave, will also be gifted enough to understand the limits to which this slave can be led in the absence of all fear.
Fear and absolute trust, can not coexist together, and almost all the time, fear is the clear winner. However, in those rare cases, where trust lives, fear can not, therefore limits of any kind do not apply.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Trilogy of Domination
Most members of the human community are submissive in nature by operation of birth with each serving their chosen Master in their own, sometimes unidentifiable way. The three choices are Fear, God, and Human Dominant.
Fear is by far, the greatest Master, and, in and of itself, negates the opportunity to serve another, for to embrace fear presupposes one has the control required to mitigate the existence of fear. Therefore, he who chooses fear, limits their humanity and diminishes their life, while constraining the life of those around them by the limits of their fear.
God, is chosen by most, as their master, yet he who serves fear, can not by definition, serve god, since god is greater than fear, and true belief in god, should eliminate fear.
Human Dominant, while widely publicized, is rarely real, since this person, must be free of all fear, and not intimidated by the existence of the fear of religion. The Human Dominant, be they male or female, is a rare creature, sufficient unto themselves, has no need to call attention to themselves, and exists for the purpose of leadership to whom and for whom, it maybe required.
There are many people, both male and female who engage in great acts of strength and courage, accomplishment and success, but never associate outward success, with inner strength, for many of those same people are infected with a sense of fear beyond understanding.
To know know the difference between the true dominant and the apparent successful dominant, one must look into the content of their character and identify one simple trait. True dominants are unselfish, all others are self centered and therefore by definition, consumed by the fear others bring who surround them.
Rare is the human, who can walk in his or her own shadow, embracing all who come near, and fearing nothing along the way. If in the course of your existence, you meet such a human, follow him or her, where ever they may lead, for wherever they go, fear does not follow. If you go where fear does not follow, be your dominant or slave, you are free.
No one, who serves fear, can serve another, be they god or human, for fear is all consuming and commanding and defines and limits your existence to the diminutions fear defines. Fear however, ca not live in the face of desire or courage, so at the end of the day, fear is but an option, until u permit it to be your master.