Monday, April 12, 2010

Free Counters

Free Counter

The Concept of Limits
D/S relationships differ from vanilla relationships principally based upon the application of total trust, which is missing inn most vanilla relationships. Therefore, where trust lives, between Master and Slave, limits can not exist.
Now some might say, that is not possible, i do not like this or that, however, it is possible but only if the slaves identifies with a dominate in whom she can place her complete trust without fear. Any dominate who has the ability to gain the total trust of his slave, will also be gifted enough to understand the limits to which this slave can be led in the absence of all fear.
Fear and absolute trust, can not coexist together, and almost all the time, fear is the clear winner. However, in those rare cases, where trust lives, fear can not, therefore limits of any kind do not apply.


CJ said...

A rule here: NEVER trust this guy. He creates fear within you..I trusted him, had a slip, was disposed of. He wants absolute 100% control. I hope his wife treats him or his children treat him in the same unforgiving manner. one slip in two weeks after total compliance...

to err is human, forgive devine.

cj said...

I retract my above statements. I said this in haste when I was very hurt by Him after He refused to work with me due to my weakness. It was MY fault. I take responsibility for being weak. Just know He is into absolutes...with no slip ups. There is no room for forgiveness. But again, it was my fault and the reaction was done during a time of hurt.

ndc20003 said...

this post really redefines the understanding of 'no limits' in a very helpful way. why would one not want to obey a true Master?

Anonymous said...

i had concur with what was written as i know things should be.