Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Chick Trick

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Chick Trick

Women have been fooling men forever because it is so easy to do, and two because it puts the female in a much better control position than she would have been had she permitted the sex act to complete to orgasm. Orgasm tends to create an emotional investment in the female mind, so it's woman's way of protecting herself from men only interested in casual sex.

It is a known fact that woman can always tell if a man is fully invested in the sex act by the condition of his penis, but man has no such visual knowledge with respect to the degree of womans physical or mental investment in any prospective sex act. Woman has known forever, that man generally only cares about his sexual release, so they simply go along for the ride until man has finished. Even worse, so complete is the sexual deception that rare is the man who has ever experienced a female orgasm. Knowing this, often women perform oral sex knowing that once finished, the act will be over.

Enter the new world of anal sex which women are all to happy to provide to men as a substitute for vaginal sex, despite the fact that for many, this proves to be uncomfortable. While there are some women who can orgasm from anal sex, most simply play out the string until the male is finished. The woman has pleased the man and risked not only an unwanted pregnancy but due to the absence of a female orgasm, there is no, or limited personal  investment in the relationship with her male partner because most can not orgasm from anal sex given their lack of comfort and or fear in its performance.

In a sense, men deserve this treatment because they are often only interested in casual sex, but is this a healthy relationship for his female partner. I will argue it is healthy to prevent personal investment in a man who has interest only in casual sex, but unhealthy for the woman's mental health because the female orgasm is nature's way of releasing her excess pent up emotions. Failure to release those pent up emotions which are a by product of her hormones, runs the risk of emotional imbalance often leading to food, alcohol, or substance abuse which if not checked causes depression.

One way, some women deal with this balance issue is through frequent aerobic exercise, which accomplishes the needed release but certainly with out as much pleasure were it released sexually with her partner. Many women seek out female partners for this very same reason, but there again the same problem exists if the fear of commitment is greater than the desire to orgasm. Its a balancing act between the need to release and the need to protect, and whatever the choice, its her mind, not her body which will decide if and to whom that mind release is to be permitted. 

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What do the words Nymphomaniac

and Frigid have in Common

Each condition defines opposite ends of the same issue, "fear". A woman who describes herself as Frigid, generaly experiences discomfort and or pain when having vaginal sex. A woman who describes herself as Nymphomaniac is consumed by a constant need for sex, never seeming to get enough. These two sexual conditions are flip sides of the same issue.

To understand why this is so, you must first appreciate that unknown to most, sex is like everything else in the human body, a mind issue, not a physical one. Any traumatic event, has the potential to block nerve pathways from the vagina to the brain, there by preventing orgasm as in Nymphomaniac or by masking pleasure as pain as in Frigid. No matter how the brain is spoofed the result is the same, both are denied sexual fullfillment by their in ability to orgasm.

The nerve block can have many causes but the prime cause is any event the result of which, the mind registers as mental trauma. This event is often abuse in its many forms, and often, when it occurs in early childhood, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) denies the abused, any memory of the event which caused the mental trauma 

The good news is whatever the brain caused to be, can be undone, but only with the aid of professional  counseling and only by counselors who specialize in this area. In cases of PTSD, while it is helpful to remember the trauma, it is often not necessary to remove the mental block.

Women who consider themselves as Frigid, generally do not advertise their sexual disfunction, but many women who consider them selves to be nymphomaniac revel in sharing their condition with anyone who will listen, never realizing, nymphomaniac was a term, invented by men to describe a woman who could not orgasm.

Everything sexual is mind based and therefore subject to any event which creates sufficient trauma to reverse traditional nerve pathways from the body to the brain. Consequently, there are many myths about sex, the most frequent being size matter, which turns out to be true, except its the size of the mind, not the size of any body parts that matter. Given that the mind, is the dominate sexual organ of the body, those who are fortunate enough to never have suffered mental abuse and be conditioned to orgasm on their or others simple request. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Aerobic Exercise equals

A Strong Body

And Great Mental Health

Certain physiological issues impact the positive mental health of women in a vastly different way than men experience. The two most commons differences between men and women is the fact that women are far more likely to suffer from  migraine headaches and are depression in numbers far in excess of their male counter parts.

Estrogen, the female hormone drives the power of the female mind much as does testosterone in men accept the role of women as care givers and mothers produces an inner mental strength which I believe far exceeds the physical strength of men, as i believe most men have learned over the course of their lives.

The power, provided daily by female hormones if not used finds ways to work its magic in her mind producing needless tension and anxiety which often finds its way to a throbbing pain commonly known as a migraine, or as a sense of isolation and or fear, which often translates into a range of emotions. That excess energy if not burned during the course of the day, can create a mental unbalance which can present itself in many different emotional states, such as the abuse of food, substance, alcohol.

Those issues if unresolved, will  eventually lead to mental issues similar to depression. Mental issues in women are often left untreated due to the stigma attached to mental illness or the reaction to the drugs used to treat depression. Those who do not seek help, suffer in silence never realizing they have become a victim of themselves.

There is h9owever good news, the excess energy arising from a woman's hormones can be self treated without drug the need for drugs.  Nature, which provided the excess energy, also provided a natural cure, something virtually all women can do but fear tends to limit most from enjoying natures cure, better known as an orgasm.

To the surprise of most women, orgasms are mind based and mind driven so to the extent her mind is infected with fear, the easy natural solution is not available. Most people, male and female alike, believe the events leading up to a sexual relationship are purely physical in nature,and therefore often are blocked the a mind not at peace and in fear of herself. My guess is the number of women who have ever experienced a total orgasmic release is not statistically measurable due to the presence of fear the origins of which are many.

However, there is a second method to practice good mental health which is free from fear and almost everyone can enjoy. This solution provides both positive mental and physical health, and is commonly identified as exercise. A consistent aerobic exercise program will burn excess calories which will control the excess energy from both hormones and from calories at the same time. All that is required is achieving a hear rate of 125, 30 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week and the result will be a smoking hot body and a very balanced and stable mind.   Who knows, that combination might prove to be stronger than fear and permit her to enjoy both natures best and exercise.
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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Man vs Man

As one who has been an observer in the sexual habits of males and females, ive never paid much attention to the relationships between men only. My attention was how ever peaked by the fact there was seldom any show of affection or passion between the males sex partners. It was earlier this week when realized id always know the answer, just never applied it to male only sexual partners

Most men, are sexually driven by a need to orgasm and are not particularly impacted by how, just that they get their sexual release. Ive joked for years that men would have sex with a hole in the fence, if it would relieve their sexual need, Ive also suggested that the reason women who would not seem to be the most sexually desirable get married and have stable relationships because they understand what men want, a blow job for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Three blow jobs a day, brings the man home after work because the need to release sexual tension, is satisfied. They also know that men's sexual drive tends to decline after age 25 which is about the same time women's sexual drive is in high gear and climbing.

Placing all of the above into my little mind, I concluded that most man on male sex, was all about sexual relief without issues raised by women in their search for the right male partner. In other words, its the relief without after effects, or sex without risk. of either emotional attachment or pregnancy None of what is written here in no way is intended to demean committed relationships between two male partners. Its the only explanation i could draw for the lack of apparent personal or emotional attachment, that the pictures posted on various sites seems to suggest.
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Friday, April 3, 2015

Intellect + Submission + Character + Eroticism = Fear2

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I + S + C + E = F2

Intellect + Submission + Character + Eroticism = Fear2

Many mathematicians believe that everything in the universe can be reduced to a mathematical equation, and as of today, the most complex being in the world, woman, has just been revealed as a mathematical equation. To all, who have said, I cannot understand what a woman wants, now you can make that claim no longer.

Intellect: As a rule, women tend to be more intellectually gifted than their male counterpart, so much so it is often necessary for them to pretend stupidity in order for their male partner to feel important. Many women have devised clever ways to ask their male partner questions which lead to only one conclusion, and that will be the one the male concluded all by himself.

Submission: Most humans of either sex are by birth submissive, meaning the prefer to follow rather than lead, however the male ego often forces the submissive male to make every effort to appear dominant to save face. A small number, of both males and females, are naturally dominant

Character: I believe character does not discriminate by sex however; the male ego tends to disguise male character by the application of their so called macho characteristics. Women also tend to have a much deeper nurturing spirit than do men

Eroticism: The intersections where intellect, submission, abuse and character meet, defines the depth and intensity of her passion. Her depth and intensity of passion is tempered by prior abuse, rape and the application of erotic fantasies to Judea Christian and social norms. Rare is the woman who escapes childhood with her mind free and without fear, in which case, virtually all of the woman is free to love, without fear. This is an issue women generally do not understand and men, are totally clueless.

Fear: From the moment of birth, beginning with her first conscientious thoughts, woman is challenged by the many forms of abuse, social and religious dogma such that she is forced to exist in a state of fear and insecurity. So deep and intensive is this fear that women do not discuss its presence with their closest friends or lovers, despite the fact that this fear controls both her erotic pleasure and her mental health.

Man on the other hand, has no such fear, as that of woman, nor is he aware of the existence of the fear which mans actions or lack thereof, create in the mind of woman. He is also unaware that his abuse of women presents such great pain and suffering both physically and mentally to women and by extension, eventually to him as well. Man believes, women perceive eroticism much as man does and are therefore clueless when mans ego driven sexuality meets miss frigid or miss nymph, both of whom are end products of fear, driven by mans insensitivity to women.