Friday, April 3, 2015

Intellect + Submission + Character + Eroticism = Fear2

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I + S + C + E = F2

Intellect + Submission + Character + Eroticism = Fear2

Many mathematicians believe that everything in the universe can be reduced to a mathematical equation, and as of today, the most complex being in the world, woman, has just been revealed as a mathematical equation. To all, who have said, I cannot understand what a woman wants, now you can make that claim no longer.

Intellect: As a rule, women tend to be more intellectually gifted than their male counterpart, so much so it is often necessary for them to pretend stupidity in order for their male partner to feel important. Many women have devised clever ways to ask their male partner questions which lead to only one conclusion, and that will be the one the male concluded all by himself.

Submission: Most humans of either sex are by birth submissive, meaning the prefer to follow rather than lead, however the male ego often forces the submissive male to make every effort to appear dominant to save face. A small number, of both males and females, are naturally dominant

Character: I believe character does not discriminate by sex however; the male ego tends to disguise male character by the application of their so called macho characteristics. Women also tend to have a much deeper nurturing spirit than do men

Eroticism: The intersections where intellect, submission, abuse and character meet, defines the depth and intensity of her passion. Her depth and intensity of passion is tempered by prior abuse, rape and the application of erotic fantasies to Judea Christian and social norms. Rare is the woman who escapes childhood with her mind free and without fear, in which case, virtually all of the woman is free to love, without fear. This is an issue women generally do not understand and men, are totally clueless.

Fear: From the moment of birth, beginning with her first conscientious thoughts, woman is challenged by the many forms of abuse, social and religious dogma such that she is forced to exist in a state of fear and insecurity. So deep and intensive is this fear that women do not discuss its presence with their closest friends or lovers, despite the fact that this fear controls both her erotic pleasure and her mental health.

Man on the other hand, has no such fear, as that of woman, nor is he aware of the existence of the fear which mans actions or lack thereof, create in the mind of woman. He is also unaware that his abuse of women presents such great pain and suffering both physically and mentally to women and by extension, eventually to him as well. Man believes, women perceive eroticism much as man does and are therefore clueless when mans ego driven sexuality meets miss frigid or miss nymph, both of whom are end products of fear, driven by mans insensitivity to women.

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