Saturday, May 30, 2015

Man vs Man

As one who has been an observer in the sexual habits of males and females, ive never paid much attention to the relationships between men only. My attention was how ever peaked by the fact there was seldom any show of affection or passion between the males sex partners. It was earlier this week when realized id always know the answer, just never applied it to male only sexual partners

Most men, are sexually driven by a need to orgasm and are not particularly impacted by how, just that they get their sexual release. Ive joked for years that men would have sex with a hole in the fence, if it would relieve their sexual need, Ive also suggested that the reason women who would not seem to be the most sexually desirable get married and have stable relationships because they understand what men want, a blow job for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Three blow jobs a day, brings the man home after work because the need to release sexual tension, is satisfied. They also know that men's sexual drive tends to decline after age 25 which is about the same time women's sexual drive is in high gear and climbing.

Placing all of the above into my little mind, I concluded that most man on male sex, was all about sexual relief without issues raised by women in their search for the right male partner. In other words, its the relief without after effects, or sex without risk. of either emotional attachment or pregnancy None of what is written here in no way is intended to demean committed relationships between two male partners. Its the only explanation i could draw for the lack of apparent personal or emotional attachment, that the pictures posted on various sites seems to suggest.
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