Sunday, July 3, 2016

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Why is Sport Fucking Bad

for Many Women

While i can site many different reasons, the clear winner is fear, generally induced by a traumatic sexual abuse. The abuse makes her mind miss read the erotic signals from her body to her brain as fear as a direct result of the minds association with rape and or abuse in lieu of the pleasure for which it was intended.

Women produce very large quantities of energy far in excess of that produced by men and that energy to the extent not released through normal daily activities is left to fester awaiting the next fresh energy supply of its release. When this excess built up energy is not released, the mind compensates by causing her to seek comfort in food, alcohol drugs and depression, far too often leading to physical harm.

The orgasm, is natures way of releasing the excess pent up energy. Excess energy can also be release by regular aerobic exercise. Men on the other hand tend to be both selfish and self centered and are always happy once their orgasm occurs. They will frequently ask their partner was that not the best, and she will smile and make him feel like he is king for the day. Man, has absolutely no idea if woman was even turned on or orgasm because frequently the real evidence man misses and would not understand it if he did. He relies on his partner to make him king for the hour.

The women who have concluded that a blow job accomplishes the same mission without any fuss or bother achieve the same end with half the work. However, ignoring what man wants, women need to orgasm. and if by chance were she to meet a true lover, he could understand the process and leave her no choice but to orgasm by taking down her defenses, one at a time until fear is gone and the orgasm comes. 

That first orgasm creates a mental bond between the partners which will never go away which could be either good or bad depending on the intent of the couple. However, that same woman who would work to over come her fear of orgasm, and successfully generated her orgasmic completion by her own hand, will also have ownership of her erotic mind unless she meets one very unusual male.

Enjoy the ride ladies, its your turn to smile and let no man deprive you of that pleasure by virtue of sexual abuse. Orgasm is central to your mental health. Com and enjoy 

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