Monday, June 13, 2016

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Why Women Always Win

Unless they choose to lose in which case, they win

While it is generally understood that men have a physical advantage over the average woman, it is also well known that women while not stronger than men possess greater endurance. A great example, ask a woman to carry 10 lbs of potatoes and she will be exhausted in 5 minutes. Ask the same woman yo carry a 20 lb baby and that she can do that almost all day. Endurance vs strength levels the playing field in sex and certainly not to the advantage of men.

Men begin sex with a number of disadvantages. It is readily apparent when men are sexually excited, they are generally selfish in nature and believe their orgasm is shared by their female partner. Woman on the other hand, give few to no visible signals of their level of sexual excitement, except those which they wish to send and then proceed to give an erotic acting performance worthy of an academy award. 

Women with strong kegal muscles control the timing of their partners orgasm taking him up and down at will until they are satisfied he has had enough at which time they compress his cock forcing him to orgasm. There are however, some men whose physical strength woman can not control in which case the 20lb baby comes into play. They accept all his power for as long as he chooses to use it, until, he either \fades because of exhaustion or she permits him to organize. Women know, or learn that most men, in most sexual encounters, only care about their orgasm, not that of his partner, but she is smart enough to know a quick series of Oh God's will convince him she orgasmed as well.

For men, sex is 90% physical but for women, its just the reverse, 90% mental, which is why rare is the man who has any idea how sexually excited his partner actually may be. The only thing men need to both know and keep in mind is for women you have to seduce her mind, not her body, if you ever desire more than your your own pleasure. The mind of a woman best resembles in sex, the penis of the man.

No woman will perform for any man as long as fear of sex lies in her mind. However, that having been said, men should remember that women will never give you a clue, that you were not the greatest for she know that's what you need, and its a gift  she gives without fear of emotional attachment and without an erotic investment.Given that it is challenging these days to find any woman who has not been sexually abused or raped men should assume that before the sex must come the sense of peace that every woman requires. Her mental foreplay while different than yours is just as necessary for a healthy sexual relationship.

Otherwise men keep thinking "Im the Man" for it exists only in your mind.

There are four different broad kinds of sexual relationships which are as they are generally identified Frigid, Acting,Orgasm and Nympho. Frigid is generally a  consequence of a woman who possesses deep passion which has been compromised by fear induced by either abuse, rape or the of simple fear of the depth of her feelings. This category can also include women whose erotic fantasies conflict with religious and social norms leading them to believe, they are cursed and or doomed to hell.Eliminate her fear by seducing her mind with sufficient comfort and you will find a prize beyond understanding.

Acting is by far the biggest category which describes a woman who simply tells her partner what he or she wants to hear which leaves the partner happy and her unsatisfied either because she chooses not to permit the moment to rise to the level of her mind or she is engaging in sport fucking.

Orgasm is the product of the absence of fear and a sense of comfort with her partner.

Nympho bears a great resemblance to Frigid  as they are flip sides of the same coin. The nympho does not orgasm because fear blocks the synapses to her mind which is generally a product of abuse or rape. Seduce her mind, give her a reason to trust such that you eliminate her fear and again you find a great reward. The nympho is usually like frigid in that they both possess deep passion, locked in fear, and or erotic fantasies that run afoul of social or religious norms.The development of the internet, and the ability to share thoughts and fears, has done a great deal to help women confused by their erotic fantasies because they discover, they are not alone. 

Nature gave to women, the ability to orgasm as a release of their emotional pent up mental energy, the same kind that lets her care for her family and children with what often appears to resemble unlimited energy. Absent that release of pent up energy the pressing mental pressure of the unreleased energy often finds its way to food,alcohol and or substance abuse  finally leading to depression in an attempt to dull the power of their pent up energy. 

Thew standard treatment for depression is medication which dulls the mind. A simpler solution is to seduce her mind and set her mind free to orgasm. Failing that, frequent aerobic exercise can release the pent up energy which is why one often sees women who can exercise with a power of energy men can not match. These women tend to be height and weight proportional and i dare any man to match their workout routines.

Many women who experience fear  or pain during intercourse will remark, i was never abused or raped, so why is intercourse painful for me. For most of those women for whom there is no physical structural issue, the answer is PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD is seen in women who have suffered  abuse or rape inducing sufficient fear that the mind simply blocks out any conscientious memory of the event, by turning off the nerve synapses from the affected area to the brain, as if nothing happened. Unfortunately, it is those idential nerve synapses which must be switched back on, for the pleasure to replace the pain.  

Hypnosis and finding holes in her memory are often useful. Most children have some memory beginning at age 3, a few earlier, but if her earliest memory is 8 or 9 , and or chunks of time unaccounted for, PTSD is a very good bet. Often but not always, when in a relaxed state of mind, the woman will remember some or all of the event. While it is good to remember, sufficient trust in your partner can achieve the same results. The frequency of PTSD in women who suffer vaginal pain during intercourse based on my experience is far higher than one might imagine, some place in the range of 40 to 60%

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