Monday, May 21, 2007

Pain & Pleasure

Understanding the fine line between pain and pleasure has its origins in the perception of the mind to the nature of the stimulus. What registers as pain to one, registers as pleasure to another. The line between pain and pleasure in women has a lot to do with perception and fear. Example, when you squeeze your nipples in pursuit of erotic pleasure, it registers in your mind as pleasure but if you were in a state of fear, and your nipples were similarly squeezed, it would bring you pain.

Therefore perception of the act to be performed, and not the act itself often determines how the action is registered in your mind. Fear is now and always will be the defining point of pleasure.


True Lashing said...

Interesting. I have often wondered about the "unspeakable" acts many of us desire but are often too afraid to admit to; face slapping, vaginal and anal rape.
Are these desires normal? Is it normal to wish to experience the pain and degradation that are bound with these acts? If given in true form with real intensity, the person receiving the "attention" would endure much pain and wounds. Is it normal to desire them still?
By the way. I really enjoy your writing.

jennifer said...

There is an old saying that I have often looked at with the tip of a cocked head and a raised eyebrow...

It's not what you say but how you say it that matters most.

What this truly means is, in order to control someone else, you must try and control their perceptions or at least guide them in the direction of the perception you want them to have of you.

I think that cliche was left unfinished

It's not WHAT you say, but HOW you say it, and more importantly, how others PERCIEVE it, that matters most.

Yeah, that sounds about right :)

jennifer said...

True Lashing:

Normal is such a strange strange relative word. The mere fact that you have said they are unspeakable acts, means they are not socially acceptable and therefore not viewed as normal.

I do however believe they are far more common than people let on. Usually what is acceptable behind a close door and amongst a few individuals is not as openly accepted as what can be said or done in the open and in a public group.

Coming from the perspective of a female who has been raped and still has these types of desires,

my answer is simple.

Yes, yes and yes, it is not only possible but usually inevitable :)

jennifer said...

i cant find an edit button rofl.

i meant things behind a closed door are far more accepted than what is said or done in public :)