Wednesday, April 25, 2007


When asked, what is the most important single thing in my life, I always respond, TIME. Time is the one thing over which you have no control, in either its beginning or its end. Many have been heard to say, i will do that tomorrow, only to discover, tomorrow, never comes for them and that opportunity is lost forever. This moment, is now history, it will never ever be repeated again. Therefore, one must never waste the moment at hand for that is all you are guaranteed. You could say, life is all about stringing together, a succession of moments, squeezing from each all that the moment will yield, for not to do so, is an accident waiting to happen.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Wowsers, was that ever just spot on the money! I couldn't have said that any better, I'm absolutely blown away. I have thought along these lines for what seems like a lifetime and have never been able to express it in a way that made sense. Thank you for the inspiration, it was beautiful, poignant and spot on the money!

Yesterday is a canceled check; tomorrow is a promissory note; today is the only cash you have - so spend it wisely
