Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why Men are from Venus, Women are from Mars

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Man, by the sheer nature of his being, is erotically selfish, and therefore, not equipped to please a passionate female partner, unless that partner chooses so share with her male friend, the differences between male erotic need and female erotic need.

As far as man generally understands, the sole purpose of women is to serve as his cum dump, and once that sacred act is achieved, both he and his partner are both happy campers. Woman, on the other hand, compounds the problem, by acknowledging mans sexual authority in silence and or agreement. When woman dares to suggest more is needed, poor man is totally conflicted because he has given her all any woman should ever need.

Consequently, understanding that man is erotically selfish and sexually conflicted, by operation of birth, any woman who does not take it upon herself to teach her lover what she needs has only her self to blame, because man, simply will not get it otherwise. The erotic education of man, must begin before intimacy begins, because all men, are not trainable. Best time to know that is before, not after.

Having said that, it is imperative that woman select erotic partners who can embrace the entire range of their erotic need including those dark fantasies, thy so love to keep as their little secrets not realizing that those secrets define their passion, not limit it.

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