Sunday, December 13, 2009

Squirting and pleasure

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Many women, will discover, at the height of their erotic release, they suddenly squirt spraying them and their partner with liquid, which instantly becomes a source of great embarrassment. Just the opposite should be true for to get to the erotic moment, where your muscles are so relaxed as to permit yourself to squirt, simply means you are experiencing a near total erotic release. The same can be said of the splinter muscle that controls the anus.

If a woman experiences any kind of release, it is vital that she view it as a part of her erotic pleasure and never ever as an act to be embarrassed about. If she chooses to be embarrassed, then her mind will automatically control all future releases, stopping each before they get to the point of loss of control,and she will never reach that erotic plateau ever again. If her partner has an issue with her squirting, suggest she replace the partner before trying to control the squirting. Squirting is a natural part of the orgasmic process for many women and if they are forced to attempt to control their squirting, they will effectively have limited their orgasmic pleasure.

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