Friday, August 1, 2014

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The Things Women Lie About and Why


For as long as I remember, including as far back and my reading has taken me, women have been often accused of misrepresenting certain facts about their lives, usually their age, and their weight. I have always written that off to a from of female macho akin to man bravado about his physical powers and strength. 

Recently however, another really interesting misrepresentation has made it self known to me, one I must confess, i've known about for many years, just never filed it under the right category until today when a very young woman, assured me, she know all about sex, and all about having and enjoying orgasms.

It is possible, all she said was true, however, experience suggests, it is not, for the following reasons. An orgasm, is an erotic sight seeing trip to the fireworks show, sudden blindness, uncontrollable tears, total loss of all muscle control, squirting, defecation and simple loss of all conscientious thought for varying lengths of time. Any particular woman may experience one or more of these erotic fantasies per orgasm.

I have learned over the course of time, for a woman to enter the kingdom of orgasmic delight she must be absent of fear and have absolute trust in her partner, and there in lies the greatest problem to the successful orgasm. The number of women who suffer some form of abuse rape, bullying etc. is well over 60%, and it is these women who are usually the ones with the deepest passion and conversely the ones most likely to be afraid. 

What makes this even more interesting, is that males have no way of knowing, to what extent his female partner is sexually invested in their love making as long as she is lubricated, he is good to go. Once man experiences his release, he assumes, his partner is now in the same space he is in and usually, she does not bust his bubble. At some point, many women come to believe, that the vaginal muscular contractor they experience, is all there is. 

Bottom line, we have the blind leading the blind and one of the blind get constantly left out, even when she comes to believe she was not. Personally, ive never met a woman who had any idea how an orgasm occurs in the first place, or even how to make it deeper or longer. Second, ive met many women who tell  me they know what an orgasm was all about until they discovered they did not and experienced one for the very first time. 

Perhaps, i am a failure in choosing sex partners, but none of the women i have met over the course of my life had ever experienced an orgasm, until i took away their fear and instilled a sense of trust.

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