Sunday, June 27, 2010

Depression and Passion

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Depression Vs. Passion

Most women, at some point in their lives, will suffer bouts of depression from moderate to severe. There are many causes of depression, from chemical in balance, and abuse both physical and sexual, to an overall unhappy feeling about life in general. Often, one or more of these conditions will exist together at the same time.

Many of these women will function at a very high level when they are working, but when they come down frm that working high, depression sets in and becomes their best friend for the rest of the day. In an attempt to control the feeling of helplessness, bad habits often manifest themselves. These habits run the gamit of possibilities but usually include, random sex, over eating leading to obesity, drinking in excess, drugs or a combination of each of the above.

Most depression goes untreated, except for the serious cases where the woman can not function. Many women are embarrassed by their depression, seeking the way they feel as an imperfection of their character, and not a consequence of their past. The women treated, often they find the treatment worse than the depression. Generally, only those women whose depression is caused by a chemical in balance can benefit from drugs.

There appears to be a direct link between a woman's need and response to passion and her susceptibility to depression. Often sexuality inadequacy in the in ability to complete orgasm, or so called dark thoughts creating feelings of being abnormal, are the primary root causes of their depression. Abuse, untreated, and caused by a host of factors, can also be resolved by feeding the Passion

Therefore, if u cure the needs of and satisfy their passion, the depression will usually disappear. Unfortunately, feeding the passion while being a need, is almost always the more frightening choice for the woman. feeding the anger, alcohol, drugs, food and random sex, make so much easier choices.

Treatment, feed the passion, to kill the depression, all in simple happy strokes. Run to what you need, never to what u want. If you choose to feed your eroticism, give yourself what you need, no matter what others may have to say about your needs, and feed your sex, not from your body, but from your erotic mind. If u choose to deed your body (sport fucking) and ignore your mind, which controls 90% of your need for passion, nothing will change.


CJ said...

This was written about me. It is so uncanny to read such great writing that hits directly...a bullseye!

ndc20003 said...

just reading something unrelated but with a relevant point. A man lives between two wolves, a white wolf and a black wolf and asked which will win the battle answers, the one I feed.

Anonymous said...

Reading the above comment, appears to he text-book "case"to many.