Saturday, December 1, 2012

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Why Beauty Is Not Always A

Girls Best Friend 

 Ever wonder why so many women who do not appear to be really attractive wind up with some of the best looking men, while those who are stunning beauties linger into their 30's alone. Many beautiful women depend solely on their beauty to attract men, and in many cases withhold their best personal gifts seeking only a man who is their equal in beauty. This is often, a case of the blind leading the blind.


Women who do not perceive themselves as beauties, resort to using their erotic skills in a way beautiful women never feel the need to do. These women have learned two simple tricks. Man is basically selfish and only cares about his pleasure, and two, over 80% of both males and females measure women solely by the size of their breasts.


Since most men are selfish, and or believe when given a blow job, the woman achieves orgasm as well, man is perfectly happy with anyone who attends to his cock as if it were a god. Blow him in the morning, and again at night, toss in a bit of missionary sex and you have a happy camper. This of course begs the question, what about the woman's pleasure. Those who orgasm from a flow job might be content, but those who do not, who knows, but they own their man.


Many women perceive male ownership at any cost their lifes goal.Large breast are a commodity adored by both sexes, achievable by nature, surgery or even excessive weight gain. Show a man big tits, no matter if they are hard as a rock and have zero feeling, and he becomes a happy little boy, nursing at his mothers breast. Throw in a blow job to compliment the big breasts and he will have died and gone to heaven.


In short, breasts and blow jobs are the way to the heart of most men, when beauty is not your best friend. Those women who are stuck up on their beauty, might have a thing or two to learn from their less fortunate female friends.  






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