Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Soul of a Woman

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Many years ago, when i set out to try to understand the many facets of woman, never in my wildest imagination, did I ever dream of the many layers of life, I would need to peel back, one at a time, much like an onion, until at long last, what remained was something often dreamed about, frequently talked about, but almost never experienced or enjoyed, the Soul of a Woman.

Woman, is without a doubt, the most powerful yet misunderstood, and abused  animal, human or otherwise on the face of the earth,  who despite the obstacles placed in her path, continues to both excite and confuses men as they have so often pointed out, but is often so complex that they confuse each other, and themselves. 

Women, despite their inner strength and resolve, are no match for man's exterior strength and power. Each woman inner strength, however  is almost always the winner where ever the test is one of endurance, and not instant power. Women's intellect as recent data tends to reveal, is more than an equal match for that of men, and in most cases superior.

Having said that, however, women have a wild card that is the core of who they are and what they do. The value of that core however, is totally dependent upon how outside influence effects her core either in a positive or negative manner. The core, the center of woman's strength and power, is her inner strength that flows from what is commonly known as her passion. Raw naked, fearless passion, comprises and is the fundamental building block of the Soul of a Woman.

The combination or a woman's hormone levels, intellect and strength of character form the core of her Soul. How the dynamics of her Soul are displayed and implemented is a function of her ability to mitigate fear in all its many forms. Man in his wisdom, uses every idea, trick or device, to enhance the core fear of a woman, because he clearly understands the existence of fear, is the only thing which tilts the balance of power in his direction.

Women on the other hand have for centuries, fought back and often rebalanced the scale of fear, by only sharing with man, that which he wants, and almost never, that which he needs. It is an interesting dynamic, this sexual dance between fear and want. man and woman, and sadly a contest, no one really wins. 

1 comment:

ndc20003 said...

is fear not what inhibits free interaction in any relationship. i would suggest that Men are as much held back by fear as Women from interacting in accordance with their innermost being. not only fear of the other but fear of the self, perhaps more so the latter than the former.