Tuesday, May 14, 2013

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 Sexual Attraction How Does 
It Differ from Males
to Females

Erotically, any attempt to compare sexual attraction between men and women borders on the the impossible and more than any other single element of sexuality is solely responsible for sexual dysfunction between sex partners.

Erotically, sexual attraction is recognized and processed differently by men and women but the process after attraction is essentially managed by the mind in much the same fashion to orgasm, even though the outcome can be very different between partners.

First, lets think about the erotic process of man, for it is much easier to explain. Mans erotic attraction is rarely anything other than visual. Once his brain receives the visual signal from his eyes, the process of erection is easily achieved to orgasm by the increased blood flow to the penis and the resulting ripping apart of the muscles in the penis to create that feeling man loves so much.

The nice thing about man is he is easy to erotically manage since for most, a blow job or anything open and warm will generally bring him to orgasm. Unlike his female partner, man can not have an erection without being totally erotically stimulated in his mind. Consequently, there is never ever a question about mans mind body connection in sex. Unfortunately, the same can not be said for women.

Erotically, women are stimulated less by visual images and more by sensual stimulation. A recent study suggested the number one female stimulation was, smell. However, unlike her male counterpart, it is not easy to determine when and to what extent, women are sexually aroused, there being no undeniable final answer.

Yes their nipples may harden, breathing change or increase in lubrication in their genitals, but unlike men when it is all or nothing, women can be stimulated any where from 0 to 100% and her partner will never know unless she tells him, which of course, women always do :-)

Releasing 100% of her erotic energy means much more to a woman than to a man. to a man, its a magic moment and now he is ready to enjoy the next. To a woman, total erotic  completion requires her mind to be 100% invested in her sex partner, and to do that, risks control, something, most women are not willing to do if they can control the outcome, which is not always the case.

Sexual abuse impacts both sexes but effects each differently. men who have experienced sexual abuse will have great difficulty achieving or maintaining  an orgasm while women on the other hand will simply have the connectors between her senses and her vaginal, turned down or in many cases off, because she relives the abuse and fear over rides pleasure. This woman is often labeled as cold, but in most cases, buy the time the woman should have reached completion, her male partner is already finished and the resulting female orgasm is easy to fake.

Since studies suggest of 50% of all women will experience sexual abuse in their lifetime, and most remain silent or simply abuse themselves with pain, a substantial number of men, who have enjoyed sex with these women have always been the benefactor of a faked orgasm.

A for the women who have not experienced abuse the news is still not good for men because the risk between the partners is very different. If a man has an orgasm, it is generally easy to verify. Women on the other hand can experience an erotic feeling from 0-110% with the males having no idea now invested she is in the orgasmic process. 

A woman, who has no fear, and who is presented with an opportunity to complete the orgasmic process to 100% completion, must then decide if it is this time and this person to whom she wants to surrender her sexual control. From an woman's prospective, it is not and easy choice to make, and unless or until, she has irrefutable proof that this is the right choice, she will fake.


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