Friday, October 21, 2016


The Women’s Rights Movement helped women to make great and important strides in employment, equal pay for equal work and the self image of the importance of being female, a revolution which has not been lost on the next generation of young girls.

While the equal rights movement successfully began a revolution in the structural life of women, it ignored the emotional changes the structural change would make in the mental health of women. Many women concluded success in the work place required women to behave more like men in a complete reversal of woman’s traditional role in family life.

 Many women believed the equal rights movement inferred a sense of equality with men that nature never intended to occur, because the two sexes have completely different emotional and mental health needs. The emotional needs of women differ from those of men as does night differ from day.

The emotional difference can best be observed in the way each sex uses energy. Men tend to have strong bursts of energy, far in excess of the power of woman. Woman on the other hand has measured releases of energy that provide the energy to manage their family obligations each and every day. Men can not match womans sustained release of energy just as woman can not match mans burst of energy release.

The importance of hormone generated energy becomes important in the way such energy is dissipated during the course of each day. Man enjoys many outlets for the daily release of his excess energy. Women on the other hand while needing the identical energy release generally only have two options, exercise or sexual orgasm.

 The problem for women occurs because few have the time at the end of each day to exercise after work and family responsibilities. The female orgasm, natures built in excess energy release valve is stuck in the off position for any number of reasons ranging from male insensitivity demanding his satisfaction while ignoring hers, to her inability to overcome prior sexual abuse leaving her mind frozen in sexual neutral.

Absence of the release of pent up energy in women creates energy over load, a mind she cannot shut off, and a near constant search to find mental peace. The search for mental peace seeks any available source, generally beginning with food graduating to substance abuse before checking into emotional over load, and depression.

To end this spiral of emotional denial, women must take a proactive stance with their partners to give their emotional release equal attention and shun relationships which do not offer equal relationship opportunity. Exercise can work for many women but sex should be mandated to work for all, if equal right for women is to ever achieve its real promise.


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