Thursday, April 6, 2017

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Equal Orgasm  Rights for Women

The struggle for equal rights for women in the work place has made significant enhancements to the financial resources of women. While not equal as we speak, its slowly moving along. This historic agenda as great as it was ignored two fundamental issues important to women.

The first, clearly obvious is women are not men, do not think like men even as they reach the identical conclusions as a man.  Too many women got the impression that equal rights for women meant they had to be like men to succeed. Emotionally, far too many women paid a stiff price for that choice as they entered their 40's and suddenly realized, something was missing, children and or a sense of family.

In the bedroom however, perhaps the only real change was women were no longer inclined to fore go sex until marriage, and many have chosen to live with their partners without marriage, Equal rights in the work place seemed to translate into equal rights in the bedroom of did it.

Women process energy differently than do men and therefore need to achieve orgasm on a regular basis to maintain sound emotional health. The energy which women derive from their sex hormones while different than that of a man, is also more intense and measured where family responsibilities are concerned. Men on the other hand while stronger than women tend to not have the endurance which women enjoy over the long haul.

In the bedroom, men seem to believe they are king, and therefore deserve to use their woman and roll over to sleep, with the satisfaction that their women is satisfied because her man is pleased. All women know, that is not true, yet virtually all are afraid to admit that to their partners, for fear of treading on the fragile male ego.

Sexual satisfaction for women is far more complex than man and requires a partner who understands her needs, First of all, female orgasm is complicated by a basket of fears beginning with social religious constructs, bullying and by abuse and or rape  some of which she may not remember due to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), so if your partner wants and desires a healthy sex life, then sex does not begin in the bed room, rather at the kitchen table where fear can be put on the table and understood. 

Sex is all between the ears and if that is not successful, there will be no transmission between her legs other than to make you believe there was. Therefore, understanding any and all issues which might impact her sexual pleasure should be talked about asap. Any woman who tells you sex is painful, or she can not get enough are both signs of hidden issues, most of which can be resolved with patience and trust.

Having reached an understanding of her history, it becomes the responsibility of the male partner to gain her confidence  to a level of trust sufficient to permit her mind to enjoy the erotic experience. Recognizing, this is not always easy to achieve, it is still necessary for both her mental health and the relationship. The male must understand it is his responsibility to  bring her to orgasm, and her pleasure must always come first.  Once she is satisfied his need can be completed in a very short period of time.

Nature created the orgasm in women, not because they were responsible for reproduction, but as a natural mechanism to release the excess energy otherwise unused. To the extent that energy is not discharged frequently, it builds tension sufficient to create a host of mental problems such as over eating drugs alcohol depression and or migraine,. issues that rarely impact men.  

Therefore men, if you care about your partner, treat her first, and women if you care about yourself, insist you get treated first. Men, make certain her orgasm is real and not fake, and women the only person you hurt when you fake an orgasm, is yourself. Finally, men, learn the difference between real and fake. real has a loss of muscle control someplace on her body.

Finally men, we understand you are selfish by nature, but this is one time, when you can actually win by losing as a real orgasm is one of natures real pleasures to enjoy and she will thank you in ways you have yet to experience.

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